Monday, December 10, 2012

Soma: Finally, a Beautiful and Sustainable Solution to the Plastic Water Filter

2012_12_10-waterfilter.jpgHave you ever wished there was a more attractive, less plastic version of the Brita water filter? One that didn't use a lot of chemicals or make you cringe every time you tossed the used plastic filter into the garbage? Have you ever lost track of when to change the filter, or keep forgetting to buy new ones? The people at Soma hear you and they've come up with a water filter that's beautiful, made of glass, and comes with a filter subscription service that delivers your new filter to your door every two months. Oh, and that old filter? You can compost it.

The new filter is still in its Kickstarter phase but clearly has been well thought out and researched. The developers have created a sleek, hourglass design that's reminiscent of the Chemix coffee pot with a beveled edge for drip-free pouring and a specially designed grip to fit nicely in your hand. There's no lid to fly off as you pour either. The carafe is attractive enough to leave on your dining room table.

The compostable filter is made from Malaysian coconut shells, vegan silk, and starch-based PLA plastic. It was designed by water-filtration expert David Beeman who created the water formulas for Starbucks, Peet's, Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, and others. At $15 each, it's considerably more expensive than Brita but perhaps the price will come down in time.

Check out Soma's Kickstarter campaign which has a many more details about their product and a nice video with endorsements from Eric Ryan, the co-founder of Method, and 4-hour guru Tim Ferris.

Read more: Soma on Kickstarter

Related: Friendly Reminder: Refill Your Filtered Water Pitcher Before You Pour a Glass

(Image: Soma)

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