Monday, February 4, 2013

Bok Choy, Pineapple & More: 17 Plants You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps Black Thumb Gardener

Bok Choy, Garlic, Pineapple & More: 17 Plants You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps

Last year we wrote about how simple it is to re-grow bunches of celery and green onions on a windowsill, but it turns out those experiments are just the beginning. Black Thumb Gardener has a list of 17 plants that can be grown from kitchen scraps, including ginger, sweet potatoes, lemongrass, and even pineapple.

Greg at Black Thumb Gardener says he likes planting kitchen scraps with his son, since it is a great way the share the cycle of produce from market to meal and back into the soil. His list starts with the scraps that begin sprouting in water within a few days (leeks, green onions and fennel) and ends with those that won't be usable for several years (avocado and pineapple).

I'm most intrigued by the idea of growing my own gingerroot. A plant will sprout from the soil, but the ginger down below can be pulled out and cut, then replanted. Perfect for those nights when you need just a little ginger for a recipe, but don't want to make a special trip to the store.

Check out the full list: 17 Plants You Grow from Kitchen Scraps at Black Thumb Gardener
Have you ever grown a plant from kitchen scraps?

Related:Container Gardening Idea: Make a Wine Box Salad Garden!

(Images: Black Thumb Gardener)

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